Authorised Economic Operator

The concept of security has occurred a place in the European customs legislation since the attacks in New York. International attention to ‘security and safety’ has been considerably tightened.

Companies and suppliers that deal with movements that crossing the Eu border, have to handle with the renewed European customs legislation. Besides the legislation, the European Union wants to create better facilities for companies, leading to fewer logistic delays and lower administration costs. This is why the AEO certificate was created. Since January, 1st 2008 the status of Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) can be requested, which is valid throughout the EU.

The introduction of AEO status is an important step in the efforts of the Dutch Customs to ‘horizontalize’ the control. This means the mutual care of a safe supply chain; the responsibility for safe cross-border flows of goods.

Companies engaged in international trade can apply for the status of Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) . The AEO certificate offers many advantages in international business. AEO certified companies have, for example, fewer delays at customs controls. Furthermore the customs creates facilities for physical checks.


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